
Lawrence & Co.

Accountants. Auditors. Tax Advisors. Consultants.

(01908) 307172

Business Services


We will handle the compliance work promptly and efficiently, but we don’t just look at the books. We look at the business too, analysing the accounts to highlight opportunities for the future.

We provide full statutory year end financial statements and can produce monthly or quarterly management accounts. We can also help with budgets and projections. We ensure that you comply with all relevant reporting regulations. All information is presented clearly and results and recommendations are explained in a straightforward manner.


Audit should be about more than just compliance – it should also provide an independent check on key financial aspects of the business, thereby presenting the business owner with useful information to influence potential management opportunities.  We may advise on more efficient systems, identify weaknesses or strengths, or suggest new ways to make savings. Opportunities are not confined to financial matters.

Audits are partner-led and our approach demonstrates our client understanding and extensive business advisory experience. We will ensure utmost integrity and minimal disruption to the business, delivering results in the timescales agreed.


We have a uniquely personal approach to meeting our clients’ tax needs.

Tax planning is one of the most effective ways to add value to a business and contribute to its success. We aim to minimise tax liabilities for all our clients, combining business and commercial expertise with technical knowledge to provide innovative advice on tax planning to help clients make significant savings.

Rest assured, the paperwork and the deadlines are all kept up-to-date and in control. We ensure compliance with all legal and statutory obligations. The rules appear complex and irrational at times and are always changing but we will take care of everything. We prepare computations, submit tax returns and deal with any HMRC queries or issues.

We offer technical advice in the corporate tax areas of buying and selling businesses, management buyouts, extraction of wealth, succession planning, raising finance, capital allowance reviews and remuneration and share schemes.

Business Planning & Advice

It is often difficult for a business owner to step back and look at their business objectively and, surprisingly, especially so when it is successful. They are so focused on day-to-day issues that opportunities are missed and procedures forgotten.

As business advisors we are well placed to offer objective strategic advice; it really helps to have someone from the outside looking in to give a broader perspective and an objective view.

Sound business advice and planning usually translates into a direct and significant difference to the bottom line.

Payroll & Bookkeeping

Completing payroll and maintaining the books can be an administrative nightmare; it is complex and time-consuming and distracts from focusing on running the business. Dedicated staff need to be managed, trained, supported and paid. Constant changes in payroll legislation need to be adhered to in order to avoid hefty fines.

Our payroll and bookkeeping team will take responsibility for these routine functions, thereby delivering considerable savings – in time, effort and money – on an in-house function.

As part of our bookkeeping service we complete VAT returns for our clients and provide expert advice as required. We will meet HMRC’s requirements for compulsory electronic filing as required.

Company Secretarial

We provide an outsourced company secretarial service to ensure that statutory records are correctly maintained and statutory documentation is filed in accordance with Companies Act requirements.

Trading through a Limited Company can offer significant tax benefits but, in turn, complex company law requirements. We can assist with all these requirements and provide advice on directors’ responsibilities. We will carry out company formations and we offer a registered office facility. We will make sure all Companies House records are both accurate and complete.

Company Formation

We provide our own in-house company formation service. We will advise on the best company structure and register the new company with Companies House and the appropriate tax authority.

Human Resources

Employment-related legislation is constantly being changed and it is therefore virtually impossible for any employer to keep up with compliance requirements.

We help our clients to ensure that all procedures are correctly followed and that their businesses comply with current legislation.

Online Accounting

Our online accounting and bookkeeping service allows clients to process all of their accounting records simply and securely over the internet. The 1ne system thereby allows us to access accounting information for accounting and bookkeeping and in parallel with the client in telephone discussion. Advice is therefore prompt and accurate as the information on which it depends is real time.

Access, 24/7 from any internet enabled device, is therefore to a virtual FD, credit controller, accounts assistant, tax adviser and bookkeeper!

This comprehensive service is available for an all-inclusive monthly fee, at a much lower cost than employing that resource in-house.

Please feel free to contact us via our online form